tried and true stud finder

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Senior Member
Got a "free" stud finder was a 12"piece of surgical tube with a rare earth magnet in the end. You let it swing next to the drywall and it would snap to a screw or nail.

Sounds silly but it worked quite well.

Anyway for me thumping works best followed by drilling through with those insulation hangers. They make a nice clean small hole.

insulation hanger works great. they leave very clean small hole.


Electron manager
NE Nebraska
Knowing what you are working on helps.

I use common sense, a middle finger knuckle, a tape measure, and/or a trim screwdriver with some drywall joint compound.

Knowing what you are working on helps a lot.

Add to that, looking for other items that are attached to same wall/ceiling/etc. and where they were attached, making any exploratory holes in inconspicuous locations if you would need to repair them. Existing switch/outlet boxes have great chance of being attached to a stud, remove wall plate and probe with a small screwdriver to find which side it is on.


Senior Member
south texas
the department of reduncancy departmwent kicks in now. hammer works well, thumping with screw driver or hand works, zircon "yellow stud finder" works pretty well most of the time. i have to pass it slowly over the wall to get accurate reading, magnetic level works well. i like the rare earth magnet on a tube or a string idea. learn something new every day. i don't have any experience with a bosch infrared scanner.


The fancy radar scopes detect objects up to 6-inches in concrete, but still can't exceed 1.5 inches for wood studs behind walls.


How about shingles and plywood... to find a stud when attaching a service eyebolt.
Dealing with old houses the real two by fours could be 20 inches or more apart.


Senior Member
I'm looking for a better than good studfinder.
Feedback is appreciated

The Zircon i520 is at least better than good. You won't fall in love with it, it's bulky and a bit annoying if your eyes aren't at display level. But it's been pretty reliably finding stud edges for me through plaster up to 3/4".

A couple of weeks ago it kept giving me a phantom reading right where I wanted to cut in a box. No vent pipe, and the wall failed the knuckle test. I moved a large pile of the customer's junk away from the other side of the wall so I could get to it, and it picked up a 2x4 installed flat against that side. It earned its keep that day.


Senior Member


So, the Studthud I bought on amazon a few weeks ago is working amazingly!!! Haven't struck out with it yet and no annoying beep beep beepppp like the battery ones. Best $10 I spent. Highly recommend it
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