Main Breaker Meter Pedestal feeder wire sizing.

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I will be installing a 200 amp main breaker meter pedestal and feeding an existing service panel on the interior of the house. I know that the existing 200 amp main breaker service panel is now a sub panel and the feeder wire size needs to go up 3/0 THHN from the main breaker pedestal that is now the main service. My question is: I thought I remembered seeing a prevision in the code that says if the feeder wires carry the full load from the pedestal main breaker to the service sub panel that they didn't need to be increased in size. That's the exact wording I remember but that was the gist of it. I can't find anything in the 2011 code to back this up I'm wondering is anyone can help me with this.

This installation is in Wisconsin

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
Yes if the feeder carries the entire load of the dwelling then you can use Table 310.15(B)(7). The article is the same number as the table-- art 310.15(B)(7)
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