Luminaires in Hazardous Locations

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In a fuel cell maintenance area (Class I, Division 2), what protection is required for fluorescent luminaires? My interpretation of the code (Article 501.130(B)(2) & (3)is that they must be protected from physical damage AND must utilize a method to contain sparks or parts of an exploding lamp. They do not have to be explosion proof fixtures.


Staff member
Mission Viejo, CA
Professional Electrical Engineer
Re: Luminaires in Hazardous Locations

As generalized statements, your interpretations are correct; however,I would caution that 501.130(B) requires that ALL subsections 501.130(B)(1) through 501.130(B)(6) be complied with. Some may not be applicable, but 501.130(B)(1) always is.

I would also direct your attention to Section 500.8; especially subsections 500.8(A)(1)and 500.8(B)(6)(a). The entire Section (500.8) should be read carefully though since there are many approval/marking/identification requirements necessary for luminaries in Classified locations - even if they are not required to be explosionproof.
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