Instructor Appearance

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Senior Member
I recently attended an instructor conference where one of the topics was instructor appearance. It was the presenter's assertion that the instructor should be the best dressed person in the room when giving a seminar or class. A nice pair of pants, a nice shirt and a tie at minimum.

I had always dressed casual for my classes and seminars. My thought process was that I didn't want to intimdate or make the students uncomfortable. I also didn't want to give the impression that I was "stuffy" or "out-of-touch" with the common electrician.

If you have ever been to one of Mike Holt's seminars, you know that he makes quite an impression and looks very professional and business like. I have considered upgrading my appearance for my next seminar but still unsure how it will come across.

If you were to attend an electrical seminar, how do you expect the instructor to look and dress. Would you be more impressed with a suit and tie or would jeans and a nice shirt be okay? Or does it not even matter?


Senior Member
Re: Instructor Appearance

Each differant classroom with Instructor, I have attended in N.Carolina,at end of class questionnare are passed to all attended..

Questions range from Instructor performance,explanations of, and wide range of things.

Instructors appearance and attire,is one of the questions asked by State of N.C. on this said questionnare.


Senior Member
Re: Instructor Appearance

I agree if it is a seminar that the presenter should be at least one level of dress above the participants. That would call for a minimum of slacks and tie in most circumstances. If you are going out of state where you are not known, a jacket should be worn.

If you are teaching a class where you are dealing with the same students for an extended period of time, the dress doesn't matter except for the first class period or two. After that, you can relax your dress gradually because your knowledge will overcome most attire as long as you are neat and clean. :D


Senior Member
Re: Instructor Appearance

I tend to agree with Charlie, but I would add another two cents to it. I always dress nicer than the audience. If I am teaching for an organization, like the IAEI or ICC, I wear a suit jacket. If I am not, I wear a nice shirt, pants and tie.


Senior Member
Re: Instructor Appearance

Ryan always looks spiffy anyway (that is an old word that the younger guys will have to look up but it applies to Ryan). :D

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Instructor Appearance

They will see you before they hear you, and long before they learn anything from you. Their first impressions will set the tone for the entire experience. I would go for "one level" above the expected dress level of the audience. That may or may not require a tie, but jeans are not on my list of recommended attire.


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: Instructor Appearance

If I'm spending a great deal of money to attend a seminar, I'd be quite upset to find the speaker dressed casually.


Senior Member
Re: Instructor Appearance

"They will see you before they hear you, and long before they learn anything from you. Their first impressions will set the tone for the entire experience."

Appearance is extremely important. It not only says you are professional, but that you care as well. The attendee is attending for the whole package and subconsiously will make a determination of you before you say one word, just from your appearance.
Shirt and tie is the least for a seminar or one day event.
When I teach classes that are longer than a couple of days, I will dress up, minus the tie.


Senior Member
Charlotte, NC
Re: Instructor Appearance

I think it depends on the audience and the type of class. I am teaching a hands on circuit breakers maintenance class at a steel mill this week, after the labs I am filthy, no way i would ever wear a suit in a steel mill.

I agree that you should be dressed nicer than most of the class, but a suit? What kind of classes do you guys teach?


Senior Member
Re: Instructor Appearance

I remember being 27 years old. Those were the good old days.

On the same subject as classroom appearance, I have recently upgraded my presentation to power point / projection technology. I have considered taking it a step further and purchasing interactive technology that allows students to become more involved with the seminar.

Again, I have some conflicting thoughts on how students want to be treated and how much they want to be involved when attending these courses and seminars. Some people come right to the front of the class and interact as much as possible and still others fade to the back and never let their presence known.

Do you guys use interactive technology. I know Tom Baker posted a topic about an interactive white board, but what I am talking about is an infrared system that allows students to use a personal keypad to answer questions or make entries to the power point program.

Its pretty neat, but can a presentation go too far and become too involved and complicated?

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Instructor Appearance

Oh to be young again. But not that young. I would say that I'd settle for 35, because that was just long enough ago that I don't remember it. :D
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