Common Industry Trade-offs

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New member
Good day professionals,

I am currently dealing with my culminating design project for my terminal year, and my electrical distribution design project was for a Foundry. Now I was stuck into what should I propose for the last trade-off. I think this part would be much better if I consult people with experience.

So my two other trade-off was:
1. Generator (Emergency Power System)
1.1 Options
1.1.1 Option 1: 1-500kVA, MTS, to total Emergency Loads
1.1.2 Option 2: 2-250kVA, MTS, Separately dedicated to Lighting and critical motor loads respectively
1.1.3 Option 3: 2-250kVA, ATS (i.e. Working in parallel), to total Emergency Loads

1.2 Criteria for trade-off
1.2.1 Reliability
1.2.2 Economics
1.2.3 Environmental (CO emmission)
1.2.4 Sustainability (Fuel Consumption)

2. Transformer (Secondary Distribution System)
2.1 Options
2.1.1 Option 1: 1-750kVA Transformer
2.1.2 Option 2: 2-375kVA Transformer
2.1.3 Option 3: 3-250kVA Transformer

2.2 Criteria for trade-off
2.2.1 Reliability
2.2.2 Economics
2.2.3 Sustainability

3. ?????
(I am thinking of the raceway system, PVCvsIMCvsCableTray)

What do you think would be the best for my last trade-off? (As my professors requires us for three). Also your viewpoint on the two other tradeoffs while you're at it.
I am seeking your opinions on what do you commonly encounter for trade-off based on your experience/knowledge on manufacturing plants (Foundries specifically, if possible but not limited to).
Any suggestions/recommendations/comments/constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much and to the Mikeholt community! :D
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