Ambient temparatures

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Senior Member
I don't recall where I read the article, but I read recently that Siemens is having trouble with their test buttons of AFCI's not functioning properly in a low ambient temparature. Did anyone else read this article? Here in the Salt Lake area, it is not very common to place AFCI's in an exterior panel, but it does happen from time to time. Has anyone had any experience with this that they would like to share?

bill addiss

Senior Member
Re: Ambient temparatures


Here's the Bulletin as passed along by Tony Moscioni:
A Bulletin from Siemens Canada:

Subject: AFCI breakers in cold ambient environments (test button inoperative)

Date: January 12, 2004
Business Unit: Automation & Drives - Electrical Installation Technologies

Contact: Phil Gundevia
Subject: Arc-Fault Interrupter Update
Issue No. IU-ET-1001-04

Subject: AFCI Devices

Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. and Siemens Canada Limited have discovered that, in a cold ambient environment, the push-to-test feature on some arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCI) may not function in a timely manner or per expectations. This affects only the push-to-test function, and is not an indication that the AFCI will not perform as intended. The AFCI functions properly with regard to overload, short circuit and arc detection.

In typical ambient conditions above zero degrees Celsius (00C) the test button functions as required. In ambient conditions below zero degrees Celsius (00C) the test button may experience the situation described above.

Should you experience this condition, we recommend that you take the following course of action in the order outlined below:

? Increase the ambient temperature above zero degrees Celsius (00C) in the area where the AFCI is installed and push the test button.

? If ambient temperature cannot be corrected to above zero degrees Celsius (00C), use a hand-held AFCI tester to independently test the device.

? If after performing the above the AFCI does not pass, Replace the affected unit with another Siemens AFCI and return the affected unit to your local Siemens distributor for Warranty Replacement.

Once again, this interruption of the test functionality is not an indication that the device will not detect and open the circuit on an arcing condition.

Please note that the test circuit of Siemens (CSA / UL Listed) AFCI devices are being modified to ensure that the push-to-test function performs reliably -- even at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius (00C).

Future production will include the above change.

Siemens Canada Limited.
Construction Marketing


Senior Member
Re: Ambient temparatures

Thanks Bill.

I'll have to ask if anyone in my area has had problems with this. Zero degrees celsuis is really not very cold...we had a spell this winter where it never got above that for well over a month :eek:

Has anyone here had any problems such as this?


New member
Re: Ambient temparatures

Hi Ryan,
I'm in Colorado and most of our residential panels are outside or in the garage. This weekend I had a call about the AFCI tripping in a service upgrade that I did when AFCI were just beginning to be required here (sometime in 2002). I had installed two on the bedroom circuits and neither of the test buttons were working. The tripped one reset fine. However, neither one of these breakers test buttons will work even after warming up, although they do perform correctly when tested by a tester. IMO they need to be replaced if the homeowner cannot perform routine testing and with the test button not functioning how do you tell if it is a circuit overload or a tripped breaker. I believe, maybe mistakenly that when an arch is detected the button pops out also?

Has anyone returned any of these breakers for failing test buttons? I'm going to in the next couple of days. I'll let you know.



Senior Member
Re: Ambient temparatures

Hello Sam, and welcome to the forum.

Thanks very much for including your reply. I am curios about this, since we have a few here in Utah that are installed outdoors. Please, do keep us informed as you find out more.

Thanks :)
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