Solar House

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New member
The question that I have run into is where do you establish the bonding. What we have is a solar panel that runs to battery storage, then to a DC panel w/disconnect. From there we go to a AC/DC (no pun intended) converter. Next is the 12/24 panel with main disconnect. Where is the first point of disconnect? Does the DC panel need to be grounded?


Senior Member
Cleveland, Ohio
Re: Solar House

Here is the short answer.

690.42 Point of System Grounding Connection.
The dc circuit grounding connection shall be made at any single point on the photovoltaic output circuit.

250.94 Bonding for Other Systems.
An accessible means external to enclosures for connecting intersystem bonding and grounding conductors shall be provided at the service equipment and at the disconnecting means for any additional buildings or structures by at least one of the following means:
(1) Exposed nonflexible metallic raceways
(2) Exposed grounding electrode conductor
(3) Approved means for the external connection of a copper or other corrosion-resistant bonding or grounding conductor to the grounded raceway or equipment.
However, there are some very important safety considerations for these systems, most of which are contained in Article 690. Please be sure to have a qualified and experienced electrician perform the installation.
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