Photos, Images, Avatars - Not Enabled?

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al hildenbrand

Senior Member
Electrical Contractor, Electrical Consultant, Electrical Engineer
OK. Here's the work I've done:

And re: ADD PHOTO From This Post:
I've been poking at this "image" problem for a little bit using my Win10 laptop through MS Edge..
I found, down at the bottom of the page in the black side-to-side bar the link to "HELP". Clicking on it I found the links to various feature of BBCode. . . in particular "Managing Photo Albums".
According to the written HELP, we a supposed to be able ADD PHOTOS in our profiles, however that radio button is ABSENT from the Profile Media Tab.
In my opinion, the whole photo handling suite of vBulletin features is not yet turned on, or this feature is broken or absent.
Hope this helps.

And re: SHOW AVATAR From This Post:

First test post. Seeing what it looks like.
First Edit: Seeing the post, my avatar, that is in my Profile, isn't showing. I'm seeing some of you have them, more of you don't. What's up with avatars?
Second Edit. I've gone through the toggles and check boxes under my Profile. My signature is showing. Just not the avatar. Mine's a GIF, but I see others that ARE showing that are motion based, and presumably also GIFs. (480sparky is one -- his is working / showing in the Forum).
Third Edit the next day: I found the "Edit Avatar" in my Profile avatar image, and lost my original GIF. I uploaded a new JPG and was told it is "not supported". I then uploaded a BMP of the same new image and learned "An unexpected error was returned: 'Call to undefined function imagedestroy()'" And now I only have the DEFAULT Avatar.
Fourth Edit. I created a BMP image on my laptop (WIN 10, Office 2010 photo editor) that is 64x80 and again got "Call to undefined function imagedestroy()" upon an avatar edit attempt.
Fifth Edit. I went to the desktop with deep files, found the original GIF as uploaded to the old Forum back in 2003 (or whenever the last reset forced the avatar reload) and it literally flew into the "Edit Avatar" app. It is as if it was pulled in by a magnet. And now my avatar shows in my forum posts.
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