Motor Fuel Dispensing Emergency Control Stop

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Hello, we have a question as to when the Motor Fuel Dispensing Emergency Control Stop went into effect, what year was it first implemented. In the National Electrical Code Handbook section 514.11 Circuit Disconnects. We have gas stations around here built in the past that do not have the emergency control stop and we are trying to enforce this. If it met the code back then we can't do anything about it. We are just trying to enforce the code and safety for the citizens.

Thanks in advance!

Tony Zuchowski, Electrical Inspector -
1100 Frederick Ave Room 201
St. Joseph, MO 64501
(816) 271-4658
(816) 271-4676


Senior Member
Re: Motor Fuel Dispensing Emergency Control Stop

Essentially, the present language was new to the 1993 Edition of the NEC. You have to determine when it was adopted in your area and the laws concerning its implementation. For instance in Indiana, the new Code can not be enforced if the plans have already gone through plan review and has been released for construction. :D
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