Bypass Motion Sensor - Add Switch to Lights?

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New User
Hi. I'm looking to add motion sensors to 2 floodlights. I want to be able to use a single-pole switch to bypass the sensors and leave the lights on. (Note that I'm not interested in the ON-OFF-ON type of action.) I believe I'll have to run a black wire directly from the outlet (source) to the sensors' live terminals (to always keep them powered), and then a separate black wire from the light switch to the floodlights themselves. Could you please let me know if this will work?

My concern is the floodlights receiving current at the same time from 2 ends -- the sensor and the flipped light switch. I'm also wondering about any dangers with the backfeed from the floodlight to the sensor.

Thanks for the help.

Little Bill

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Tennessee NEC:2017
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