Bonding Structural Metal

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Senior Member
I have a 5 unit office building being built in my area. The walls are concrete and the roof is metal. There are iron girders and rafters around 14' above the floor supporting the roof and a drop ceiling around 9' above the floor.

Per section 250.104(C), do you feel this "structural metal" needs to be bonded? I question as to whether or not this sturctural metal is "exposed" per NEC definition and if it is really ever likely to become energized. There is no roof access from the inside of the building nor is there any equipment attahed to these metal parts.


Senior Member
Re: Bonding Structural Metal

The first thing that exempts it is that it is not a "steel building frame" per 250.104(C). To me that includes vertical framing members.

It would be exposed per def. in Art 100 if that dropped ceiling is T-Bar.

Since there is nothing electrical attached to it, then there is no way for it to becaome energized. That would be an exemption also.
Remember the word "likely" is not there and it is just "may become energized." To me this takes away any probability factor. It's either possible or it's not.
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