Bad times

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Senior Member
you anti obama people kill me. we were headed for the worst depression in u.s. history and he saved us all from that. that car dealer that went under two years ago, was that his fault? sure it was (sarcastic), not the war against iraq for weapons that didn't exist. no, whose pres won't matter, but getting rid of every gop senator or congressman would. not going to happen because so many of you people can't remember four years ago. bank bail outs, bad. g.m. bail out, completely saved the country. and you want to go back to g.o.p. strategy that got us there in the first place? smoke summore crack. i have $50 in the bank right now and obama's the LAST person on earth i am going to point a finger at. everything he's tried to do the g.o.p. has shot down WITHOUT PUTTING FORTH ANY BETTER PLAN, JUST LIKE ROMNEY. whatta db.... enuf politics. those with the Gold make the Rules. nothing is going to change unless they let charles manson out of prison.......
so good luck surviving in the Evil Empire. you and everybody else is going to need it.

bullheimer, What you say makes perfect sense, you stated it so elequently and it was very informative. Now I realize what the issues are and where the problems are coming from. I see you as a very frustrated person with enormous potential. What you have to do is to get rid of that rich guy employer that is taking the financial risk and has the ability to hire. By getting rid of him, the middle man, it opens the opportunity for guys such as yourself who have the experience and are wasting your business skills by working for someone else and can invest all of your life saving financing the rest in order to be your own boss to be the big guy who makes the big bucks and take all of the financial risks. It?s called betting on yourself.

Think about it, you stated ?you anti obama people kill me.? Yes, I must admire in what Obama has accomplished for himself in having been delt such a bad hand.
Considering that a person who was basically been a community organizer never having the responsiblities of real work, running a business to make a payroll and being profitable, was a very ineffective state and US senator, has fiends of the likes of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn who were members of the weather underground, who?s Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi (was labeled by the State Department as a terror group) who held a fundraiser for Obama, Obama?s ties to Frank Marshall Davis who is involved in several communist-front organizations, a person who cold never in his wildest dreams be given a security clearance, etc. and those who voted for him placed their trust in someone with his background and can rise to be the president that alone should be inspiring to the rest of us.
I didn?t even dawn on me that a person who has the back ground that Obama has, who has acquired the wealth the he has without having a real job to of have obtained it and can rise to be the most powerful person leading in the world is a man to be admired. It proves that it doesn?t matter who your friends are and the company that you chose to keep and how you were educated, all that you need to have is extremely good orating skills to tell people what they are so hungry to hear. Such a man is to be admired.

He has been so generous with money that we don?t have as to give Brazil $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount with the intent of being their best customer while continuing the moratorium on drilling for oil in our own country and squandered billions of dollars on failed businesses. There aren?t too many leaders who would have that much compassion for the economy of another country and to not be concerned about our own.

And to think that you have to work you butt off to make a living. But there are those who get the breaks or have backers such as Obama has of the likes of George Soros.

Just think that if he can rise to be the president your can even become your very own business owner. You can do the book keeping, estimating, financing, billing, competing for jobs, etc. taking all of the credit for the profits that you make. You may even be so successful with your business prowess that you now have the ability of hiring employees and have to cope with their attitudes and complaints.

If Obama can do it so can you.
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