Testing High Voltage Phasing Meters

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big john

Senior Member
Portland, ME
Anyone familiar with modes of failure for contact high-voltage phasing sticks?

It's come to my attention that apparently when we send these out for testing, they are only checking the fiberglass of the sticks, just like any other hot-stick.

I am more than a little bit concerned about resistor integrity in these, because that's the only thing standing between the user and a short-circuit. Nothing in any of the literature addresses this, though my next step will be to talk to some factory folks.

Anyone know of methods of testing these more thoroughly? Is it reasonable to hook them to a high voltage test source and watch for resistor heating?

Ideas or thoughts?
Edit: Tried to copy and paste something and messed up my first post. I thought about this the other day. I don't know what brand you use but new HD meters come with a proof tester. There's a few companies that make proof testers. I think chance makes one. Either way they will work with all meters. I don't buy my own tools but they don't look to be too expensive. I would hate to see what a blown resistor looks like across 13.8kv.
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