CEGA group asking me to install panels and electrical for them anyone sounds too good

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Dear All,

I was asked to come to one of CEGA's semminars on SOLAR and its installations etc. I did this and the seminar and data seems too good to be true? Now I hope I don't just walk by a great deal of work by not doing this but I am a little worried as it does sound really nice as they handle all of the materials, designs and prints and your company just gets clients and does the install for a very nice proffit. I would jump on this but they are asking for a 5 figure number to cover the first 2 years and state that this will be paid back very fast with the high proffit I would be making etc.

If this was a very nice office etc I would be less worried but the place is pretty run down and I have never heard of them before so I have my doubts. Anyhow I wanted to know if anyone has heard of this or might even be one of the contractors that is doing their install and if so could you fill me in as I would love to get into solar and this seems like a very good way to do it unless there is more too it than meets the eye.

I ate it early on in life when I signed up for one of those Time Share things with Wyndham and now I cant get rid of it and have to pay monthly etc:sick: and have no idea on how to sell it as I put about $17,000.00 into it.

Stinger 208


Senior Member
Austin, TX
I hadn't heard of GEGA.bz before this morning. It looks like they are controlling the high value parts of the value chain, including financing.

Interesting business model: They raise funds, then pay themselves to do the engineering and procurement, and then you pay them for the right to compete to do the installation. Win-win-win for them.

Just curious: Do they stick you with the 10 year warranty if you install the system? (If so, win-win-win-win...for them.)
Has anyone worked for CEGA as a C-10 ???

Has anyone worked for CEGA as a C-10 ???

I would have to get my own clients but it seems a bit too good. Has any one ever heard of CEGA or work for them doing this install?


Senior Member
Northern California
Solar and Energy Storage Installer
I have not heard of them, but I am Nor-Cal and they seem to be So-Cal.

I checked out their website, and I cannot figure them out. There's a lot of nice looking pages, but no real content, which is a red flag for me. For example, the google map with all of their contractors, but none of them are named and all of them have the same phone number. Sales gimmick. Red flag. (Seriously, how do I know that these contractors actually exist?)

The bottom line is that there is no rational reason for you to pay a company anything, let alone five figures, in return for merely the promise that you will get work. Normal companies ask for bids when they need subcontractors. Or they put you through an application process to become an affiliated partner, but they don't ask for any money. (Sungevity will treat you this way. They are legit.) If they ask you for money, there can only be two legitimate reasons: 1) They are going to immediately give you sales leads, or, 2) in the riskiest case, you pay them money because you are buying a franchise and they are supplying you with equipment such as a vehicle and tools (with their brand, which hopefully draws sales). Both of these cases are fraught with risk and I personally would never invest five figures with one source.
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I do not think that you should take any risk with any business and should not invest any money on anyone's trust as this is not a small amount. If you think that you can also handle without their support and if they fail, then also there won't be any issue, then go for it else leave it.


Senior Member
I think: trust your gut. And your gut lead you here to bravely and humbly ask for opinions.
Save your "rational" brain for sizing wire.

Damn. I was angry i paid 170 bucks or so for various leads that didn't pan out.
But....5 figures!!!

Of all my business expenses two stand out as worthless:
1. advertising (especially Yellow Pages, i know, i know....)
2. lead generation companies (pay for leads)
I hate those guys. With reason.

If you want to get into solar, there is no magic bullet. Work your way in, it'll pay off.

Plus, if it involves a seminar, it's cheesy.
They want your money or your soul.
Oh, and if you don't make the profits that they said you should, it'll be your fault (according to them for sure!) for not working "hard enough or smart enough". This is the classic MLM scam.

There are great ways (and cheap) to sub out CAD drafting of systems.
However, if you cannot design and spec system components, i am not sure why you want to run a business in solar?
Work the "internets" especially the free sites to get customers. I do. And i pay nothing after 5 years in own biz. (12 in the trade)
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