What a mess!

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Senior Member
Got a call today to meet a man from a bank on a foreclosed property. On the phone he tells me that he needs a quote on "cleaning up the panel" and getting some NM cable put in the panel and hooked up.I get there and find that 50% of the house has been rewired(using the term loosely) and that all wallboard is up and taped and mudded with the first coat. He proceeds to tell me that they had hired a contractor to reburbish the property so it could be sold.When the work was done and by whom seems to have evaded him at this time.Looking around I find that all the electrical work has been done in #12(that's ok but a bit overkill for lighting), I could not find a single box that had more than 4" of conductor in it.Some of the boxes had overfill by double, existing panel was already overfilled with circuits, NM cable emerging from a block wall that seemed to go nowhere, and there were about 8 more home runs to land.Called the Township and asked if any permits had been taken, none in the last 8 years for that address.The guy makes a phone call and proceeds to tell me to "just bid the minimum so we can get the power on". I shook his hand and told him thank's for the opportunity but I would have to pass on this one. He looked at me funny and replied I guess you don't need the work then, I replied that I need work everyday just not the type he had to offer.Seemed to be offended by my response, then as I'm getting in the truck he ask's for some business cards.


Senior Member
I look at projects like this one from time to time. I ussually walk away knowing that I don't want the job but feeling that not bidding it would be rude due to prior relationships with customer/contractor and want to get future oppotunitys. I will go ahead and "bid the minimum", then multiply the number by the last 4 digits of my SS # prior to turning it in ( or something to that effect). To my surprise, I have actually gotten a couple of the jobs and made pretty good $ with the bid method :)


Senior Member
Northern illinois
I'd say the minimum would be to rewire the whole place. If you touch it, you own it.

I don't know the whole thing needs rewiring but it looks like a lot more is going to be needed than a simple panel change. It will require substantial effort just to determine what is and what is not actually necessary.

I know we have turned down a few jobs over the years where we felt the customer was unwilling to pay to do it in one of the many right ways in favor of something less costly. One project like that we estimated at almost a quarter of a million dollars and the customer had budgeted $30,000. Just was not going to happen.


Senior Member
United States
I look at projects like this one from time to time......I will go ahead and "bid the minimum", then multiply the number by the last 4 digits of my SS # prior to turning it in ( or something to that effect). To my surprise, I have actually gotten a couple of the jobs and made pretty good $ with the bid method :)

I totally agree! If you are given the opportunity, you see it is a basket case, DO QUOTE at a price that will cover you X2! You may be called in the future for other possible jobs.
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