Al wire connections under ground

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Senior Member
Farmingham, MA
I like to ask you guys your opinun on the use of large al cable [400] being spliced underground using a copresson connection. What is the best method to seal the connection with since the wire will be in water @ times ? We have used the 3m splice cover , doesnt seem like enough protection . Does anyone use something better thats going to last ?
The cables had a couple of burn out spots and we made repairs to them.
Thanks for the time dealing with my questions.
NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
We use compression butt splices and Epco heat shrinks most of the time. Occasionally we use a gel filled one that wraps around the splice, snaps together and is secured with cable ties. We have not had a call back on those yet but they are fairly new. IMO the ones that have the plugs you insert into them after tightening a setscrew butt splice a POS. They leak and I have replaced way to many of them...including.

I have had very limited experience with the cold shrinks.


Electron manager
NE Nebraska
Never seen heat shrink fail, have seen other methods fail. It needs to be heat shrink with a sealant added, which all that are rated for underground use have AKAIK.
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