Mass. guys - smoke/CO laws?

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peter d

Senior Member
New England
What are the Mass. rule for smoke and CO detectors? I've heard you need CO and combination photo electric and ionization detectors in every hallway outside a bedroom. So I guess that means you have to install 2 boxes and 2 separate detectors because they don't currently make an ion/photo/CO combo unit.


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The way I'm reading it is depending upon the year of the house, it looks like if it is located within 20' of the kitchen it must be a photo electric outside of this it can be either a PE or ion, or either one can be combined with a CO which are all are offered by Kiddie which offers both Ion/CO or photo electric/CO they offer a combined Ion/Photo/Co but it is battery only non-interconnect


Senior Member
After reading these requirments much depends upon the year the permit was pulled for it, and after jan. 1, 2008 you have to have a heat detector in the garage if it is attached, some years will allow photo electric through out the house, some will require combo photo and Ion and all require CO
so ok what year are we talking about?

None require Ion if within 20' from a kitchen or bath with can be an out for a combo photo/CO like in the hall outside of the bedrooms staying within the 10' requirment of the bedroom door?

but wow never seen requirments like these before.:huh:
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