Feeder Cable to Heat Pump, New Location

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New member
Customer wants to move Heat Pump approx 20 feet. Question: Can the connection box be used to connect the additional 20 feet of cable, or does the entire run from the main box need to be replaced. Or to be more specific; does the run need to be one cable, or is there a way to splice or otherwise connect two cables to reach the new placement of the Heat Pump?


Senior Member
Staff member
Logan, Utah
Welcome to the forum.:)

The feeder can be spliced provided that the box the splices are in is sized correctly and remains accessible.



Senior Member
Northern illinois
Some questions come to mind as to exactly what is being done.

Is this an outside installation?

What kind of cable is being used?

Why does he want to move it?

How do you plan to route the new cable segment?

How is the old cable segment routed? If it is in flex for instance, you may have to do a little more work then you are thinking.

What do you mean by "connection" box?
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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
Customer wants to move Heat Pump approx 20 feet. Question: Can the connection box be used to connect the additional 20 feet of cable, or does the entire run from the main box need to be replaced. Or to be more specific; does the run need to be one cable, or is there a way to splice or otherwise connect two cables to reach the new placement of the Heat Pump?

As long as the disconnect is within 50 feet and within sight then you are okay. Personally I would move the disconnect next to the heat pump.
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